An individual online competition that benefits Serving Orphans Worldwide
Dates: 17-26 January, 2025
Divisions: Individual - Male/Female - Rx/Scaled
Events: 5 functional fitness tests
Cost: $20 ($11 early bird)
Early Bird Registration: 10 July - 1 September, 2024
Use this event as your pre-Open test!
This event will go to benefit Serving Orphans World Wide - see the link below for more information!
For registration, event details, leaderboard, and score submission - visit Competition Corner
Serving Orphans Worldwide believes that all children are loved by God. Throughout Scripture, we see God’s heart for the fatherless and James 1:27 makes very clear the mandate to care for orphaned children to His glory. We believe that one of the responsibilities of God’s people is to care for widows, orphans, and those who have been marginalized by the economic and social systems of the world. It is to that end that we come alongside the body of Christ to support orphanages and children’s homes.